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Workflow Expression Language

Workflow expression language is used anywhere there is an input, throughput assignment.

membership == "gold" and (waitTime * factor > 4000 or status in ("pending", "error"))


True, -34.7, "abcdef", ( 3, "dfg" )

There are 5 supported value types:

  • Boolean
    True, False
  • Number
    45, -90.3, NaN, Infinity
  • String
    "abcd", "23cvb54R 3rt4+53yt"
  • Object
  • Array
    (a, b, c)


variableA + variableB
anotherVariable != False

All variables present in the current expression scope are available for use:

  • User Defined variables within scope
  • Arguments of all activities within scope

Variables are accessible via their plain text name and will be displayed as autocomplete options

Variables will always be of one of the five Value types:

  • Boolean, Number, String, Object, Array


( x + 5 ) ^ ( y % 3 ) - sqrt( x )

All common arithmetic operators are supported:

  • Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
    x + y
    x - y
    x * y
    x / y
  • Exponentiation
    x ^ y
  • Modulus - Returns the remainder from integer division
    x % y

Several useful arithmetic functions are also available:

  • Absolute Value
    abs( x: number ): number
  • Natural Logarithm
    log( x: number ): number
  • Square Root
    //Equivalent to x ^ ( 1 / 2 )
    sqrt( x: number ): number
  • Ceiling - Rounds upwards to nearest integer
    ceil( x: number ): number
  • Floor - Rounds downwards to nearest integer
    floor( x: number ): number
  • Minimum - Returns smallest number in given list
    min( a, b, c... ): number
  • Maximum - Returns largest number in given list
    max( a, b, c... ): number
  • Rounding - Round to nearest integer
    round( x: number ): number
  • Random - Random floating point from 0.0 to 1.0
    random(): number

Boolean Logic

( x or y ) and not z

The following boolean operators are supported:

  • AND - TRUE if both x AND y are TRUE - FALSE otherwise
    x and y
  • OR - TRUE if x OR y OR both are TRUE - FALSE otherwise
    x or y
  • NOT - TRUE if x is FALSE - FALSE otherwise
    not x //
  • Ternary - If x is TRUE return y otherwise return z
    x ? y : z


volume > 56
color != "green"

The following equality operators are supported:

  • Equal, Not Equal
    x == y
    x != y
  • Less than, Less than OR equal
    x < y
    x <= y
  • Greater than, Greater than OR equal
    x > y
    x >= y


( 2, 34, 2 )
( "a", "xyz", "23" )
( True, "abc", 5 )
( ( True, 34 ) , "abc", ( 3 ) )

Arrays are lists of values

  • Creation
    //Method 1
    ( a, b, c, ... )
    ( True, "abc", 5 )
    //Method 2
    ArrayCreate( a, b, c ...): any[]
    ArrayCreate( "color", 12, False )
  • Membership
    x in (a, b, c) 
    x not in (a, b, c)
  • Element Access
    //Method 1
    //Method 2
    ArrayGetItem(array: Array<any>, index: number): any
    ArrayGetItem(someArray, 4)
  • Appending items
    ArrayConcat(array: Array<any>, ...values): any[] 
    ArrayConcat(someArray, "red", 14)
  • Length
    ArrayCount(array: Array<any>): number


Generic Objects are supported and are essentially bags of Key Value pairs

  • Creation
    ObjectCreate(keys: any[], values: any[])
    ObjectCreate( ( "count", "color", "isReady" ), ( 23, "red", True) )
  • Member Access
    y of x
  • Check existence of object property
    ObjectHasProperty(obj: object, propertie: string)
    ObjectHasProperty(someObject, "property1" ) )

String Expressions

Several convenience functions are available for common String processing situations

  • Length
    StringLen(str: string): number
  • Conditional
    StringStartsWith(str: string, subStr: string): boolean
    StringContains(str: string, subStr: string): boolean
    StringEndsWith(str: string, subStr: string): boolean
  • Building
    StringBuilder(...strings): string
  • Trim
    StringTrim(str: string)
  • To Lower Case
    StringToLowerCase(str: string)
  • Regular Expressions
    x ~= y
    x ~= "^(abc)$"

Date and Time Expressions

"Thu Jan 26 2017 11:00:00 UTC"

While there is no dedicated Date or Time type, several convenience functions are available for working with Date Time Strings:

  • Current Date Time (UTC)
    DateUtcNow(): string 
  • Manipulating Date Time Strings (UTC):
    //Adding time
    DateUtcAddDay(date: string, daysToAdd: number): string
    DateUtcAddHour(date: string, hoursToAdd: number): string
    DateUtcAddMinutes(date: string, minutesToAdd: number): string
    DateUtcAddSeconds(date: string, secondsToAdd: number): string
    //Subtracting time
    DateUtcSubDay(date: string, daysToSub: number): string
    DateUtcSubHour(date: string, hoursToSub: number): string
    DateUtcSubMinutes(date: string, minutesToSub: number): string
    DateUtcSubSeconds(date: string, secondsToSub: number): string

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